Everyday Gems
Celebrating the everyday gems of life, from nature, to art, to creating our best lives…
My morning at the market…
Pike Place Market
It was one of those sublime spring mornings… I was staying with a dear friend just up the street, while on a mini-break in Seattle last weekend. The previous two days were filled with catching up, sitting on her deck watching the ferries come and go on Elliott Bay, hanging with some old friends and attending the International Gem Show one afternoon. Already a great trip! Then… my last morning, I set out on my own, walking the few blocks to Pike Place Market - and as I neared the legendary site (one of the oldest and largest continually running farmers markets in the US), I stepped onto the charming cobblestone street and began to smell the delicious aromas of really good coffee and every kind of food you could imagine. Immediately transported, I felt like I was in another country and loving every second of it! Crowds, for sure, but everyone seeming to be in a good mood, happy to be enjoying the beautiful spring sunshine, laughing, eating, shopping - and being present in this kaleidoscope of color, sound and scent.
With bright yellow daffodils adorning every rooftop of the market, it felt like a gift - my own Easter basket, if you will. Such a welcome sight after a long and cold spring. I ambled through the street taking in all around me and appreciating the market in a way I’m not sure I ever had before. It felt brand new to me and at the same time, it brought back wonderful memories of my time living in Seattle in the late ’80s and ’90s. A very different city back then - but something about this morning was reminding me of that golden era, and it felt good.
I made my way inside the market, remembering times spent with friends eating at Place Pigalle or Maximilien, remembering the time I walked around taking artsy black & white pics on my 35 mm camera for my photography class. The many glasses of champagne I enjoyed at Cafe Campagne, a petite gem, with my illustrious restaurant buddies. “Those were the days my friend, oh yes those were the days!” Seattle was coming into its own at that time with gourmet espresso shops popping up, innovative and delicious dining like never before, and of course, the music scene was epic. My stroll through the market was bringing back those times but also intriguing me as to what’s next for this city - and what’s next for me and this city?? I felt like a door of possibilities was opening up before me.
As I walked along the corridor of fish, produce, craft and flower vendors, I was surrounded by the lyrical sound of foreign languages being spoken all around me. Just behind me was a French couple speaking in those wonderful lilting tones and I was literally in heaven. I didn’t realize how much I needed that dose of internationality until I was in the middle of it. I felt like I was home - which might sound like a funny thing - but it was true. I’m most happy when I am traveling the world, experiencing other cultures and truly living in the moment. My morning at the market was reminding me of that and filling my soul in a way I hadn’t felt since before the pandemic. Yes, there were a lot of tourists at the market, but Seattle is also becoming much more international these days - and I love that!
I continued to walk through the craft section of the market then out onto the big deck filled with picnic tables, food vendors, people and a spectacular view of Elliott Bay and the Olympic mountains in the distance. I leaned up against a railing next to a beautiful man of (I believe) east Indian descent, listening to what appeared to be rapturous music coming through his earbuds, while he gazed into the distance. I could feel his radiant energy and gazed into the distance too, luxuriating in that expansive moment. After a while, I moved on and considered what I might like for an early lunch and decided that a pork bao bun sounded absolutely perfect. I savored every bite while I took in the warm sunshine and water view. Life is good, I thought, life is good.
I then wandered back to my friend’s apartment, stopping at World Market on the way, buying a chocolate and mint Aero candy bar, an English favorite of mine. It felt like the cherry on top of an already perfect morning. I gushed and smiled about my adventure to my friend, who being my best friend, completely understood my excitement and the feeling I had of renewal and new possibilities. We talked and laughed for another hour or so, then I was off, heading back up to my island home. A transformative few days, for sure - and the kind that only spring and a new perspective can bring.
-Wendy (aka: gemsatourguide)
Check it out… maximilienrestaurant.com / placepigalle-seattle.com / Cafe Campagne / pikeplacemarket.org
-All images are my own